The Android mobile version of the web-based ImproveMyCity application
The menu language of ImproveMyCity-Mobile is currently available in two languages whose resources can be found under the app/src/main/res/ folder, e.g.
In order to add a new language you need to create a new folder under the ./res/ folder, named as values-“MyLangAbbreviation”, e.g. ./res/values-de/ for German. Then you need to copy the strings.xml file from the English version (i.e. ./res/values/strings.xml) in the new folder and translate the string values. e.g.
<string name="minutes">minutes</string> to <string name="minutes">minuten</string>
In order for the new language to become visible through the Setup menu for all languages you need to add a string entry to line (249) in the strings.xml file for all language folders. For instance in our case, you need to modify the ./res/values/strings.xml, the ./res/values-el/strings.xml, and the ./res/values-de/strings.xml and add a new entry as shown below:
<string-array name="Language"> <item>el - Ελληνικά</item> <item>en - English</item> <item>de - Deutsch</item> </string-array>